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Courses starting June 29, 2026

We are excited about the prospect of your taking courses through SCOPE. Formal admission to BJU is not required to take a course by distance learning, and approval to take a distance learning course does not imply admission to BJU or to a particular degree program.

Ac 204
3 Credits
Principles of Accounting II
Basic principles and procedures in accounting for corporate equity, bonds, manufacturing costs, managerial analysis of costs and cost/revenue relationships, special statements, analysis of financial statements and individual budgeting, and taxes. Introduction to business ethics. Second semester and summer, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 29 – Aug. 15, 2026
Register by: Jun. 26, 2026
Prerequisites: Ac 203.
Financial and Managerial Accounting: The Basis for Business Decisions, – 18th
Jan R. Williams, Susan F. Haka, Mark S. Bettner, and Joseph Carcello
BA 301
3 Credits
Legal Envir & Ethics of Business
Background of the American legal system and its Constitutional foundation; public crimes and private torts, contract law, the uniform Commercial code; negotiable instruments; debtor-creditor relationship, ethical systems underlying government and business behaviors; business organizational forms; government regulation of business; property law; and Cyberlaw. Business ethics examined for all subjects treated. Summer only, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 29 – Aug. 15, 2026
Register by: Jun. 26, 2026
Business Law Today, The Essentials: Text and Summarized Cases – 11th
Miller, Roger LeRoy
Cengage, 2017
ISBN: 9781305574793
Ed 380
3 Credits
Instructional Methods & Strategies
This course is designed to help teachers put instructional theory into practice through the study and application of teaching strategies and techniques that are applicable to the K-12 classroom. Both semesters and summer, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 29 – Aug. 15, 2026
Register by: Jun. 26, 2026
Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement – 2001
Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D., & Pollock, J. E.
ISBN: 978-1416613626
Subscription to GoReact
Subscription to Teaching Channel
En 102
3 Credits
Composition & Rhetoric
Introduction to academic writing emphasizing argumentation, research, documentation and style; centering on the library paper. Not applicable toward a major or minor. Both semesters and summer, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 29 – Aug. 15, 2026
Register by: Jun. 26, 2026
Prerequisites: En 101, Plmt Test, ACT 24+, SAT 30+.
Companion to College English – 4th
Horton, Ronald A.
BJU Press, 2020
ISBN: 978-1-62856-848-6
En 103
3 Credits
Composition & Literature
Critical writing using literary analysis. Discussion of literature by genres and according to basic literary critical concepts and terminology. Not applicable toward a major or minor. Second semester and summer, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 29 – Aug. 15, 2026
Register by: Jun. 26, 2026
Prerequisites: En 102.
A Companion to College English – 4th
Horton, Ronald A.
BJU Press, 2020
ISBN: 978-1-60682-040-7
Readings for College English – 2nd
BJU Press
ISBN: 978-1-60682-039-1
En 202
3 Credits
British Literature to 1688
A historical and critical survey of British literature from Beowulf to 1688. Summer only, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 29 – Aug. 15, 2026
Register by: Jun. 26, 2026
Prerequisites: En 103.
The Norton Anthology of English Literature (Vol. 1A)
Greenblatt, Stephen, ed.
ISBN: 978-0-393-60302-6
The Norton Anthology of English Literature (Vol. 1B)
Greenblatt, Stephen, ed.
ISBN: 978-0-393-60303-3
FA 125
3 Credits
Christianity & the Arts
This course examines the aesthetic and moral nature of the arts and their relevance to everyday life. It emphasizes the process of employing a biblical framework when evaluating and interacting with the arts in contemporary culture while affirming the objective nature of beauty, truth, reality and goodness. Through lectures, readings, and breakout sessions, students will gain a historical perspective of and basic working terminological knowledge in Art, Music, Theatre, and Film. Attendance at music recitals, art exhibitions, and theatrical performances will provide students with opportunities to apply and synthesize course material and articulate their worldview. Both semesters and summer, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 29 – Aug. 15, 2026
Register by: Jun. 26, 2026
Art for God's Sake
ISBN: 978-1-59638-007-3
Art & the Bible
ISBN: 978-0830834013
Fin 201
3 Credits
Corporate Finance
Principles and techniques of financial analysis, planning and control, working capital management, capital budgeting, long-term financing and cost of capital. Summer only, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 29 – Aug. 15, 2026
Register by: Jun. 26, 2026
Prerequisites: Ac 103 or Ac 203 Prerequisite.
Foundations of Financial Management – 16th edition
Stanley B. Block, Geoffrey A. Hirt, Bartley R. Danielsen
Hi 101
3 Credits
The Making of the Modern World
The course focuses on the process of historical thinking from a biblical perspective by investigating the forces and factors that have shaped the world we live in today, and by studying themes including empire building, revolutions, religious movements, philosophical and artistic accomplishments, social and economic networks. Both semesters and summer, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 29 – Aug. 15, 2026
Register by: Jun. 26, 2026
The Penguin History of the World – 6th
J. M. Roberts and O. A. Westad
ISBN: 978-1846144431
A Little Book for New Historians: Why and How To Study History
Robert Tracy McKenzie
Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2019
Ph 200
3 Credits
Ideas & Their Consequences
Selected philosophical ideas of continuing importance from the pre-Socratics to the 20th century. Second semester and summer, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 29 – Aug. 15, 2026
Register by: Jun. 26, 2026
Prerequisites: Bi 209, Bi 205.
Themes in Western Thought – 2013 (custom)
Horton, Ronald, ed.
ISBN: 978-0-07-781903-3
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