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Courses starting June 8, 2026

We are excited about the prospect of your taking courses through SCOPE. Formal admission to BJU is not required to take a course by distance learning, and approval to take a distance learning course does not imply admission to BJU or to a particular degree program.

Ed 275
3 Credits
Biblical Worldview Formation in Educ
This course is designed to meet the needs of Christian teachers who desire to improve their skills in biblical worldview formation. It distinguishes a secular approach to education from a Christian approach, presents a method for planning and writing instruction from a Christian perspective, and provides a tool for evaluating Christian educational materials. Both semesters and summer, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 8 – Jul. 25, 2026
Register by: Jun. 5, 2026
Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption
BJU Press
ISBN: 978-1-60682-727-7
Ed 615
3 Credits
Theories of Learning
This course is an overview of theories related to teaching and learning. Major concepts of learning theories will be studied as well as motivational, developmental and classroom management theories. Students will be required to research analyze, and apply these theories. First semester and summer; Second semester, odd-numbered years, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 8 – Jul. 25, 2026
Register by: Jun. 5, 2026
Contemporary Theories of Learning – (2018) 2nd
Knud Illeris
ISBN: 978-1138550490
Ed 680
3 Credits
Classroom Management
A study of effective techniques for management and discipline in the classroom setting. Emphasis placed on current research and literature. Students develop and communicate a personal philosophy regarding classroom management that references physical surroundings, student motivation approaches, rules and procedures, and strategies for dealing with challenging behaviors and diverse needs. Both semesters and summer, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 8 – Jul. 25, 2026
Register by: Jun. 5, 2026
Building Classroom Management: Methods and Models – 2019
Charles, C. M., & Cole, K. M.
ISBN: 9780134546438
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