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Courses starting June 9, 2025

We are excited about the prospect of your taking courses through SCOPE. Formal admission to BJU is not required to take a course by distance learning, and approval to take a distance learning course does not imply admission to BJU or to a particular degree program.

EAS 660
3 Credits
Foundations of Leadership
Emphasizes basic administrative theory and research for the school leader, focusing on the current practices and examining trends in such areas as leadership skills, personnel development and decision making. First semester, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 9 – Jul. 26, 2025
Register by: Jun. 6, 2025
Biblical Leadership: Becoming a Different Kind of Leader
Ken Collier & Matt Williams
Ambassador International
ISBN: 1-932307-21-4
The Conviction to Lead: 25 Principles for Leadership That Matters
Albert Mohler
Bethany House
ISBN: 978-0-7642-1004-4
Finding Your Leadership Style: A Guide for Educators
Jeffrey Glanz
ISBN: 978-0-87120-692-3
How to be a Team Player and Enjoy It
Matt Williams
Ambassador International
ISBN: 978-1-62020-235-7
Crazy Busy
Kevin DeYoung
ISBN: 978-1-4335-3338-9
A Scent of Water: Bringing Life Back to the Christian School Movement
Edward Earwood & Phil Suite
Ambassador International
ISBN: 978-1-62020-155-8
EAS 663
3 Credits
School Business Management
Principles of business administration for schools, emphasizing sound plant, finance and management practices. A philosophy of school administration will be developed. First semester, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 9 – Jul. 26, 2025
Register by: Jun. 6, 2025
Management principles for Christian schools – 2008
Deuink, J. & Carruthers, B.
Bob Jones University Press.
ISBN: 978-1-59166-803-9
Nonprofit financial planning made easy – 2008
Blazek, J
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN: 978-0-471-71527-6
EAS 670
3 Credits
Pupil Personnel Services
A survey of guidance services and their application in both elementary and secondary educational settings. Practical guidance problems are considered. Second semester, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 9 – Jul. 26, 2025
Register by: Jun. 6, 2025
101 Solutions for School Counselors and Leaders in Challenging Times – (2013) 1st
Chen-Hayes, S. F., Ockerman, M. S., & Mason, E. C. M.
ISBN: 9781452274478
Counseling Troubled Teens and Their Families – 1999
Weaver, A. J., & Jerome, L. W.
Abingdon Press
ISBN: 9780687082360
EAS 676
3 Credits
Personnel Admin & Supervision
An overview of the employment process, personnel policies and procedures, and laws and regulations affecting the employment and supervision of faculty/staff in private, non-profit schools. First semester, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 9 – Jul. 26, 2025
Register by: Jun. 6, 2025
Guiding faculty to excellence: Instructional supervision in the Christian school – 2nd ed., 2002
Brown, G.
Purposeful Design Publications
Effective supervision: Supporting the art and science of teaching – 2011
Marzano, R. H, Frontier, T. & Livingston, D
ISBN: 978-1-4166-1155-4
What Great Teachers Do Differently: 17 Things That Matter Most – 2011
Whitaker, T.
ISBN: 10: 1596671998
Setting Wages and Benefits for Church Staff. From Church Law and Tax
Church Law and Tax. Com (Richard Hammer)
Understanding Labor Laws.
Church Law and Tax. Com (Richard Hammer)
Church Law & Tax Update Newsletter (weekly) and Church Management Update Newsletter (monthly)
EAS 678
3 Credits
Organizational Leadership
An exploration of organizational theory and its application in a school setting, emphasizing strategic planning, instructional leadership and public relations. Second semester, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 9 – Jul. 26, 2025
Register by: Jun. 6, 2025
The Leadership Challenge – 5th or 6th
James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner
Jossey-Bass, 2012
ISBN: 978-0470651728
Practicing the Art of Leadership: A Problem-Based Approach to Implementing the ISLLC Standards – 5th
Reginald Leon Green
Pearson, 2017
ISBN: 978-0134088778
Future-Focused Leadership
Gary Marx
ASCD, 2006
ISBN: 978-1416602194
Leading Change in Your School: How to Conquer Myths, Build Commitment, and Get Results
Douglas B. Reeves
ASCD, 2009
ISBN: 978-1416608080
Ed 275
3 Credits
Biblical Worldview Formation in Educ
This course is designed to meet the needs of Christian teachers who desire to improve their skills in biblical worldview formation. It distinguishes a secular approach to education from a Christian approach, presents a method for planning and writing instruction from a Christian perspective, and provides a tool for evaluating Christian educational materials. Both semesters and summer, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 9 – Jul. 26, 2025
Register by: Jun. 6, 2025
Biblical Worldview: Creation, Fall, Redemption
BJU Press
ISBN: 978-1-60682-727-7
Ed 605
3 Credits
History & Philosophy of Education
Beginnings of the American system of education, survey of theories of education; factors and forces changing American education philosophies of learning applied to contemporary educational problems. This course is designed to equip and motivate educators and administrators to understand, critically appraise and apply the historical and philosophical foundations of education in developing their educational theory and practice. First semester and summer, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 9 – Jul. 26, 2025
Register by: Jun. 6, 2025
Education in a Free Society – 8th
Rippa, S. Alexander
ISBN: 10: 0801316367
Ed 615
3 Credits
Theories of Learning
This course is an overview of theories related to teaching and learning. Major concepts of learning theories will be studied as well as motivational, developmental and classroom management theories. Students will be required to research analyze, and apply these theories. First semester and summer; Second semester, odd-numbered years, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 9 – Jul. 26, 2025
Register by: Jun. 6, 2025
Contemporary Theories of Learning – (2018) 2nd
Knud Illeris
ISBN: 978-1138550490
Ed 632
3 Credits
Best Practices: Instru Strategies
Effective teaching involves using a variety of instructional strategies, designed with specific learners in mind. This course explores the development and practical application of numerous strategies. Students will be introduced to the Five Core Propositions of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. This class is mostly project based. Second semester, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 9 – Jul. 26, 2025
Register by: Jun. 6, 2025
The new art and science of teaching – 2017
Marzano, R.
Solution Tree Press
ISBN: 9781943874965
Beyond biblical integration – 2022
Erdvig, R.
Summit Ministries
ISBN: 978-1-7220256-5-2
Ed 634
3 Credits
Instru Exceptional Learning Needs
This course focuses on developing the student's understanding of the knowledge and skills necessary to increase effectiveness in meeting the needs of diverse learners through appropriate instructional, curricular and behavioral strategies. First semester, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 9 – Jul. 26, 2025
Register by: Jun. 6, 2025
Including Students with Special Needs: A Practical Guide for Classroom Teachers – 8th
Friend and Bursuck
ISBN: 978-0-13-480167-4
Ed 638
3 Credits
Curriculum Development & Design
This course is an overview of the history and theories of curriculum development and their application to K-12 schools. Designing and implementing effective curriculum and learning based on a school's philosophy of education. Second semester, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 9 – Jul. 26, 2025
Register by: Jun. 6, 2025
Curriculum Leadership: Readings for Developing Quality Educational Programs – 10th edition
Forrest W. Parkay, Eric J. Anctil, Glen J. Hass
ISBN: 978-0132852159
Steppingstones to Curriculum: A Biblical Path – 2nd edition
Harro Van Brummelen
ISBN: 978-1583310236
Publication manual of the American Psychological Association – 7th
American Psychological Association
American Psychological Association
Ed 661
3 Credits
Assessment of Learning
The appraisal of a student's intellectual capacity and aspects of personality; the interpretation of educational data using descriptive statistics including frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, the normal probability curve and graphs. Attention is also given to test construction and the development of a testing program. Second semester, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 9 – Jul. 26, 2025
Register by: Jun. 6, 2025
Educational Assessment of Students – (2019) 8th
Brookhart, S. M. & Nitko, A. J.
ISBN: 978-0-13-480707-2
Ed 667
3 Credits
Technology in Education
This course is a practical examination of current technology applications and their integration in education. The hands-on learning environment provides the professional educator with the tools needed to enhance skills in technology and apply these skills in a variety of settings. Second semester, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 9 – Jul. 26, 2025
Register by: Jun. 6, 2025
Tech like a pirate: Using classroom technology to create an experience and make learning memorable – 2020
Miller, M.
Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-951600-20-4
Integrating technology in the classroom: Tools to meet the needs of every student – 2nd
Hamilton, B.
International Society for Technology in Education
ISBN: 978-1-56-484725-6
Ed 680
3 Credits
Classroom Management
A study of effective techniques for management and discipline in the classroom setting. Emphasis placed on current research and literature. Students develop and communicate a personal philosophy regarding classroom management that references physical surroundings, student motivation approaches, rules and procedures, and strategies for dealing with challenging behaviors and diverse needs. Both semesters and summer, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 9 – Jul. 26, 2025
Register by: Jun. 6, 2025
Building Classroom Management: Methods and Models – 2019
Charles, C. M., & Cole, K. M.
ISBN: 9780134546438
Ed 690
3 Credits
Research in Education
This course introduces educational research, statistics, and testing; and is designed to familiarize the student with the terminology, basic concepts and tools necessary to critique and interpret published research. Both semesters, three hours.
Dates: Jun. 9 – Jul. 26, 2025
Register by: Jun. 6, 2025
Educational Research: Fundamental Principles and Methods – 8th
McMillan, James H.
ISBN: 0-13-577010-6
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