Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling

Bob Jones University’s accredited Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling degree (MABC) provides you a robust theology and practice of counseling that are grounded in the doctrines of progressive sanctification and the sufficiency of Scripture to help those who are searching or hurting.

Next Start
Jan. 17
Cost Per Credit

Why Earn a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling Degree?

In the Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling program you will receive a comprehensive overview of what the Bible teaches along with research into its theological grounding. If the Bible is sufficient to address every human need, then we must begin with the Scriptures.

Skilled biblical counselors build a counseling framework upon this foundation, tackling a variety of life’s challenges. The counseling taught in the Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling is truly biblical, Christ-focused, gospel-saturated, and grounded in the sufficiency of the Scriptures and the doctrine of salvation.

How Can You Help Others with This Degree?

A friend comes to you urgently for advice. She has just discovered that her teenage son has been stealing prescription drugs from her medicine cabinet. She wonders what else he has done. She knows that if she does not approach him with biblical wisdom, she may lose the opportunity to provide the help that he needs. She wants to confront him, but she has no idea where to begin. What would you tell her?

Life is filled with painful situations like this one, reminding us that we live in a broken world ravaged by sin. Yet, the Word of God offers answers to life’s most perplexing questions and problems. Essential to answering these questions, therefore, is a robust theology and practice of counseling that are grounded in the doctrines of progressive sanctification and Scripture’s sufficiency.


BJU’s Master of Arts program in Biblical Counseling provides just that. Maybe you are a pastor or a pastor’s wife, or you’d just like to serve the church in the area of counseling but you feel inadequate in your counseling ministry. In the Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling, you will receive rigorous instruction from professors who not only have high academic credentials, but who also counsel people from Scripture on a regular basis in their own counseling ministries.

Our Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling program gives you a broad look at counseling and psychology from a thoroughly biblical perspective. You will study the theological truths of God’s Word in a way that will teach you to evaluate secular and Christian psychological theories objectively. You will gain a clear understanding of the sufficiency-of-Scripture model of counseling. You will study important counseling topics such as finances, marriage and children, overcoming addictions, and managing the grief from a major loss in life. Most importantly, you will learn how to offer hope to those who are perplexed, lost, and hurting, through the eternal truths found in the Bible.

Biblical counselors know that, even for those who have been redeemed from sin by the saving work of Christ, living in a fallen world as fallen human beings introduces great suffering and challenge.

Biblical counselors also recognize that some problems can be very complex, that they can, in fact, be caused by a genuine physical component and not by personal sin. Where a physical component is suspected, biblical counselors wisely invite competent medical professionals to diagnose and treat genuine organic etiology (for example, brain trauma, endocrine malfunction, tumor, disease, and infection).

Biblical counselors further recognize that when responding to the hardships of life, people are tempted to forsake the wisdom of the Scriptures and the help of the body of Christ, relying upon their own understanding and upon the wisdom of man, thus compounding their difficulties. So, biblical counselors affirm that in the midst of pressing trials, God’s pathway to lasting joy and peace is found only in the believer’s growth in the Gospel. This growth is centered upon a genuine relationship with Christ, a relationship marked by commitment, dependence, and imitation, answering every spiritual challenge that a believer will face.

Furthermore, biblical counselors recognize that they participate in some of the same spiritual struggles faced by those whom they counsel. They therefore see themselves as fellow-disciples of Jesus Christ who come alongside hurting believers. Through the enabling ministry of the Holy Spirit and the sufficiency of God’s Word, biblical counselors compassionately assist other believers in their progressive sanctification toward greater Christlikeness in the midst of their trials for the glory of God.

Key Outcomes

Skills You'll Acquire:

As part of this program, you will develop a range of valuable skills employers seek.

  • Interpret the Counseling Process —  Gain the discernment to view people as image-bearers who are both sufferers and sinners, in desperate need of God’s grace.  
  • Build Trust and Gather Data — Gain practical help in seeking to show the love of Christ and compassionately seek to understand the counselee, ask wise questions, and help the counselee sort through their challenges.     
  • Determine the Problem — Trace the fruit of problems to root causes. Instructors model how to unpack popular psychological diagnoses in ways that are truly biblical.
  • Implement Change — Lovingly apply the Word of God through the power of the Spirit of God as they point to the Son of God—who is able and willing to help them.    
  • Provide Homework — Learn how to assign helpful assignments that encourage counselees to work on progressive sanctification 7 days a week—not merely in the counseling session. 
  • Minister Hope Help counselees practically embrace the lasting hope that is found in Christ through the good news of the gospel.
  • Practice Biblical Ethics Practice biblically ethical behavior—including practical instruction related to confidentiality and mandatory reporting laws.
Careers You Can Pursue:
  • Pastor, missionary, Christian worker 
  • Local church counselor 
  • Christian school or camp counselor 
  • Chaplain (military, hospital, jail)
  • Children’s, teen, or women’s ministry leader 
  • Teen or abused women’s home counselor 
  • Pro-life pregnancy center counselor 
  • Addictions’ ministry counselor
  • Foster care/adoption ministries  
  • Teacher/conference speaker 
Months to Complete

With our flexible learning paths, you can complete your degree in as little as 24 months.

$15,750 - $18,450
Tuition Costs

Cost per credit: $450



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  • Advanced standing for students with undergraduate biblical counseling degrees
  • Advanced modules, evening flex classes, and livestream class options
  • Newly structured: 100% online or residential

Includes student counseling sessions evaluated by certified counselors and qualifies you for an advanced ACBC (Association of Certified Biblical Counselors) certification.

This is a rigorous Master of Arts degree that includes supervised counseling and prepares you for biblical counseling centers, social work, addiction ministries, urban ministry, a job as a children’s home director and other similar work.

For Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling
What is a stackable credential?

A stackable credential is a small, stand-alone certificate that can be combined with other courses to build toward your master’s degree.

Stackable credentials are…


Steps to Apply

1.   Review the admission requirements

Prerequisite: Our master’s degree programs require an earned bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university.
Note: International students or students with degrees from unaccredited institutions are considered on a case-by-case basis.

GPA: Our master’s degree programs require a minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA:

  • 2.0 GPA for the Master of Divinity (MDiv) and Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling programs
  • 3.0 GPA for the Master of Public Health (MPH) programs
  • 2.5 GPA for all other master’s degree programs
  • Note: If your GPA is at least 2.4, we would encourage you to apply as some exceptions are granted 

2.   Start your application

To begin your online application, you will need to create a Bob Jones University account.

3.   Gather your required materials

You will need to upload the following items as part of your application:

Official Transcripts

If you are a new student, you must request an official transcript from the institution granting your undergraduate degree. Your transcript should be sent to the Office of Admission for graduate study approval before admission.

Office of Admission
Bob Jones University
1700 Wade Hampton Blvd
Greenville, SC 29614

If you are a BJU graduate, your BJU transcript will be reviewed as part of the approval process before admission.

Reference Requests

You will need to submit the names, email addresses, and mailing addresses of two references. Upon submission of your application, an email will be sent to each reference requesting they complete a brief online recommendation. References must be submitted for your application to be considered complete.

Reference 1: a church leader (pastor or pastoral staff, non-relative)
Reference 2: an academic recommendation from a school official if you have been enrolled within the past 12 months; if you have not been enrolled in the past 12 months, submit a general reference.

4.   Fill out your FAFSA 

If you are interested in Financial Aid, please complete your FAFSA information.

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What is unique about your program?

BJU’s MA in Biblical Counseling degree will equip you to engage in counseling that is truly biblical, Christ-focused, and Gospel-saturated, grounded in the doctrines of sufficiency and sanctification. 

Will this master’s degree enable me to become certified in biblical counseling?

BJU partners with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). Upon completion of our program, you will have completed all of the requirements to apply for ACBC certification. You will not just learn about the Bible and counseling, you will engage in 50 hours of supervised biblical counseling.

Why pursue a master’s degree in biblical counseling, rather than merely seeking certification?

Our program is robust! Because of BJU’s commitment to biblical counseling, our 41-credit program includes classes in Bible and Theology, as well as classes in how to use God’s Word to assist those in need of help. Graduates earn a recognized graduate degree from an accredited university program.

What if I don’t have an undergraduate degree in Bible or biblical counseling?

Our program is open to those who have completed an undergraduate degree regardless of major. If you have an undergraduate degree in biblical counseling, you may apply for advanced standing.

How will pursuing this degree practically help me?

This program is designed to equip you to biblically counsel in local church-affiliated ministries. Even if you never counsel anyone but yourself or your friends and family, you will know how to respond to the challenges of life in ways that glorify God as you grow in your relationship with God.


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What's the Value of a Master's Degree?

Greater Earnings Potential: On average, those with a master’s degree earn higher income than those with a bachelor’s degree.

Increased Job Stability: Those with a master’s degree have a higher chance of landing a professional role after graduation.

Stay in Demand: A master's degree can help you stay current in your field and relevant in the market. 

Stay Employed: A master's degree reduces the likelihood of experiencing unemployment when compared to those with just a bachelor’s degree.

Stay Ahead Financially: The future gains for those with a graduate degree outpace those with a bachelor’s degree.

Our Master's Degrees Come with a Guide: Our Pathway Partners can support your next steps towards a graduate degree. They help you see the path forward, monitor your progress, and help you know what to do next.

Program Coordinator
Greg Mazak
Division of Graduate Studies BJU Seminary
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